杰拉尔丁·布鲁克斯 (Geraldine Brooks) 谈写历史 title

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Geraldine Brooks | Fiona Morrison

如果您喜欢借鉴丰富历史的小说,那么您不会想错过这个机会,听听两次获得普利策奖的作家杰拉尔丁·布鲁克斯 (Geraldine Brooks) 的讲话。布鲁克的小说是沉浸在历史中的复杂叙事,并以事实为基础,往往包含迷人的未解之谜。

In conversation with Fiona Morrison from literary studies at UNSW Sydney, hear about the pleasures and challenges of writing, why she loves writing history, how she gets into her creative flow, and of course her books which include People of the BookMarch and Caleb’s Crossing, and her new novel Horse.  

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