ANU programs with additional selection criteria

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In addition to submitting a Bachelor or Master degree application, the below programs have compulsory additional selection criteria.

Bachelor of Design

Entry to the Bachelor of Design is based on completion of the Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (AQF) or international equivalent. An interview and portfolio assessment also form part of the admissions requirement. Once an application to the Bachelor degree has been lodged, applicants are required to register for an interview and upload a portfolio on the ANU School of Art and Design website.

Bachelor of Visual Arts

Entry to the Bachelor of Visual Arts is based on completion of the Australian Senior Secondary Certificate of Education (AQF) or international equivalent. An interview and portfolio assessment also form part of the admissions requirement. Once an application to the Bachelor degree has been lodged, applicants are required to register for an interview and upload a portfolio on the ANU School of Art and Design website.

Bachelor of Health Science

Entry to the Bachelor of Health Science is based on meeting the minimum selection rank requirement and involves an assessment of suitability based on the questions included in the Bachelor of Health Science Supplementary Form.  Submission of this form is compulsory for all applicants.

Thirty percent of offers made to domestic students are reserved for students from rural backgrounds. Applicants from a rural background are asked to indicate this in their supplementary form and are required to upload supporting documentation with their application. 

Visit the ANU College of Health and Medicine website for more information.

Applicants intending to commence a Bachelor of Health Science in 2026 should complete the following supplementary documents.

Bachelor of Music

Entry to the Bachelor of Music is based on meeting the minimum selection rank requirement. Entry to Performance stream of courses within the Bachelor of Music is by audition. Applicants wishing to enrol in Performance courses are advised to contact the ANU School of Music to arrange for an audition as soon as possible. E:

Visit the ANU School of Music website for more information.

Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) programs

Admission to the Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) programs is based on meeting the minimum selection rank requirement, submission of the Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) supplementary form in support of your application.

Applicants intending to commence a Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) in 2025 or 2026 should complete the following supplementary document.

Bachelor of Philosophy, Neuroscience and Psychology

Entry to the Bachelor of Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Psychology is based on meeting the minimum selection rank requirement and involves an assessment of suitability based on the questions included in the Bachelor of Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Psychology Supplementary Form. Submission of this form is compulsory for all applicants.

There are approximately 50 places available in each intake of the Bachelor of Philosophy, Neuroscience, and Psychology.

Visit the ANU College of Health and Medicine website for more information:

Applicants intending to commence a Bachelor of Philosophy, Neuroscience and Psychology in 2026 should complete the following supplementary documents. 

Bachelor of Philosophy, Neuroscience and Psychology Supplementary Questions 

Bachelor of Philosophy, Neuroscience and Psychology – Supplementary Form

Master of Professional Psychology (Applications open from 1 August to 30 September)

Admission to the Master of Professional Psychology is based on meeting the minimum GPA requirement with a Bachelor degree comprising an Australian Psychology Accreditation Council accredited sequence of courses in Psychology, and successful assessment of suitability which will be based on interview, supplementary form, CV and the referee reports.

Applicants intending to commence the MPP in 2026 should provide the following:

Referee reports are to be completed via the National Psychology Reference System. Reference's must be professional and/or academic (not personal). At least one of the referee's must be able to comment on your academic ability.

Program applications open on 1 August 2025 and close on 30 September 2025.

Master of Clinical Psychology (Application open from 1 August to 30 September)

Admission to the Master of Clinical Psychology is based on meeting the minimum GPA requirement with a Bachelor degree with Honours in Psychology, and successful assessment of suitability which will be based on interview, supplementary form, CV and the referee reports.

Applicants intending to commence the MCP in 2026 should provide the following:

Referee reports are to be completed via the National Psychology Reference System. Reference’s must be professional and/or academic (not personal). At least one of the referee’s must be able to comment on your academic ability.

Program applications open on 1 August 2025 and close on 30 September 2025.

Master of Contemporary Art Practices

Entry to the Master of Contemporary Art Practices requires a cognate Bachelor degree or international equivalent with a minimum GPA requirement. Admission is subject to an interview, and all applicants must submit a CV, a statement of purpose and a portfolio of work for assessment. Further application information is available from this link: Master of Contemporary Art Practices | School of Art & Design

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ANU Future Students