Commerce at ANU title

Submitted by u7278207 on meta

Join us to learn more about studying Commerce at ANU. 

Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics at ANU title

Submitted by u7278207 on meta

Join us to learn more about studying Finance, Actuarial Studies and Statistics at ANU. 

Business and economics showcase title

Submitted by u7278207 on meta

Head to the College of Business and Economic (CBE) building to find out more about the ANU Tax Clinic, CBE Student Managed Fund, and work integrated learning opportunities available for those pursuing degrees in business and economics. Get to now fellow students, check out our facilities and and take part in the CBE Puzzle Challenge.

Accounting at ANU title

Submitted by u6268229 on meta

Join us to learn more about studying Accounting at ANU

Business Administration, Commerce and International Business title

Submitted by u6268229 on meta

Learn more about studying International Business, Business Administration, and Commerce at ANU. 

Economics at ANU title

Submitted by u6268229 on meta

Join us to learn more about studying the Bachelor of Economics at ANU 

Business & Economics: Kick-start a brilliant career title

Submitted by u6268229 on meta

Learn about the career services and initiatives available to Business and Economics students. 

Make a difference to organisations and society with a Management Postgraduate degree title

Submitted by u1128521 on meta

The ANU College of Business and Economics offers nine graduate programs in the Management area, designed for professionals wanting to prepare for the next level of leadership, enhance their management skills, or take on the challenges of entrepreneurship. These programs are professionally orientated, evidence-based courses of study, delivered through intimate, interactive seminars and tutorials. Find out more in this information session.

Learning opportunities with the ANU Student Managed Fund title

Submitted by u1150111 on meta

Are you interested in a course in which you gain practical experience in funds management? Would you like real insights into pursuing an investment industry job? The ANU Student Managed Fund (SMF) is a 12-unit offering for both undergraduates and postgraduates students (selected through a competitive process).

Redefine leadership with an MBA from The Australian National University title

Submitted by u6268229 on meta

Designed to disrupt traditional models of leadership education, the innovative MBA program at ANU was created for leaders in the public-service ecosystem. It features a unique mix of evidence-based decision-making and practice, and leadership for impact, as well as management and business skills designed for the modern world.

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