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If you’re a Year 12 student and want to study for an undergraduate degree at The Australian National University (ANU) next year, you’ve got two application options. You can apply directly between March and May or, if you miss this application window, through the Universities Admissions Centre (UAC) later in the year.

As a Year 12 school-leaver, whichever way you apply, you'll need to meet our Co-Curricular or Service Requirement (CCS), so check it out and read our article on everything you need to know about the CCS.

Both application paths could see you get an offer from ANU. Applying directly has serious benefits but is only open to school leavers. Read on to discover the path you'll choose.


  • Applying directly to ANU between March and May as a Year 12 school leaver covers everything you need in one application, including admission, student accommodation and scholarships.
  • Applying directly also gives you the opportunity to potentially receive an early offer in September based on your Year 11 results. Yes, that's before you sit Year 12 exams!
  • Applying directly to ANU is also free, whereas applying via UAC later in the year requires you to pay a processing fee.

One form for everything

One of the main reasons to apply directly between March and May of your Year 12 year is that the form covers basically everything: admission, a room in student accommodation, and scholarships.

You can tick the 'scholarships' box on your direct application, and we'll automatically assess you for any eligible scholarships. This saves you from sifting through a list of scholarships you’re eligible for and applying for each. As a direct applicant, you can rest easy knowing we’re doing that for you.

A handful of scholarships, such as the Tuckwell Scholarship, require a separate application. That leads us to another benefit of applying directly: the option to express interest in the scholarship on the direct application form. This prompts us to send you information about the following steps to apply for the Tuckwell.

TIP: If you're keen on applying to become a Tuckwell Scholar, apply directly in March. That way, you'll have time to complete your application for the scholarship before the April closing date.

An ANU student sitting and working on her laptop.

When you apply directly to ANU, we will automatically assess you for scholarship eligibility, guarantee you a room in student accommodation, and consider you for an early offer of admission to your most eligible degree.

Get an early offer based on your Year 11 or Year 12 results

When you apply directly, your application could see you get an offer for the most eligible degree on your list of preferences. We will assess your application using your Year 11 or Year 12 results, whichever are better.

We make early offers in September, meaning you could go into exams with peace of mind knowing that you have an offer into your degree of choice. Alternatively, UAC makes offers in December or January at the end of the school year.

You will need an ATAR eventually when you confirm your offer. This shows us that you completed your schooling and were eligible for one.

Getting an early offer from ANU means you can focus on the things that matter to you now, like getting the most out of your last year of school.

But what happens if you apply directly and don't get an early offer? Don't worry! We'll put you on our waiting list and review your application and degree preferences again when ATARs are released.

Apply directly and save on fees

When you apply through UAC, your application is subject to a processing fee. This fee changes yearly and is around $78 for applications made before September and $215 for applications made after that. Check out UAC's website for the details.

But if you apply directly to ANU between March and May, it's free! On top of the other benefits, getting your application in early lets you save a nice chunk of money.

A large group of ANU students sitting and chatting on the lawns

There’s no fee when you apply to ANU directly.

Know where you’ll be living next year

When you apply directly, you can let us know if you’d like to stay in a student residence. First-semester, first-year undergraduate students are guaranteed a spot in student accommodation, so it’s just a matter of listing your preferred student residence on the application form.

Going away to uni is a big change, so knowing where you’ll be staying next year will reduce some stress. There’s nothing like being prepared.

Students eating and chatting in their residence dining hall

First-semester undergraduate students are guaranteed a spot in an ANU student residence. Find out more when you apply directly.

How to apply directly

Applying directly to ANU is relatively straightforward. Here’s a detailed how-to-apply guide in written and video form.

You must create an account before filling in some basic information and listing your degree preferences. You can list your top five degree preferences, so it’s important to consider what you want to study and look at our programs and courses.

When you need to apply through UAC

While we recommend applying directly to ANU, there are still reasons you might need to go through UAC. Direct applications are only open for Year 12 school leavers, so if you’re going to be a mature-age student, UAC is for you. And if you are a Year 12 school leaver and miss the direct application window, UAC is your backup.

Students coming down the stairs in discussion at Marie Reay Teaching Centre at ANU

There are multiple paths to applying to study at ANU depending on your circumstances, either by applying direct or through UAC.

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Ready to apply directly to ANU? Just follow this link.