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Are you keen to explore things you couldn’t at school? Buckle up because university offers a smorgasbord of knowledge and experiences. Gone are the days of forgettable electives or high school subjects solely chosen for state exams. You curate your intellectual and social journey at university, exploring a field or activities that spark your interest.


  • University is all about choices and having the time to explore them.
  • By providing more opportunities, depth and context than school, university hones your critical thinking, communication and problem-solving skills, making you world-ready when you graduate.
  • It's also inclusive, accessible and social; everyone is encouraged to get involved and try new things.

University: the opportunities are endless

University is all about choices and having the time to explore them. While you might have to take some mandatory classes, you can choose the degree you want to study. You can even mix it up with electives from all sorts of different areas.

The best part? University is a whole experience: besides the project work, presentations and research opportunities at ANU, you can hang with mates, try new things like a sport or hobby, take an internship or even go on an overseas exchange. These activities hone your critical thinking, communication and problem-solving skills, making you world-ready when you graduate.

In short, university equips you with the knowledge to become a well-rounded global citizen.

Students discussing their work in the Advanced Instrumentation and Technology Centre on ANU campus.

Uni allows you to try new things and find out what you love to do.

School versus university

Since you’re still in school, let’s break down the differences between the two learning environments with an example or two.

Do you want to learn to speak a bunch of languages, but your school only offers French or German? At university (ANU specifically), you can pick from 28 languages and study them as part of your degree! Plus, there are clubs where you can chat with people in your new language for hours. Do you want to be a diplomat someday? Studying languages with business, public policy or Asian studies at ANU opens doors to career-ready students worldwide.

You love art, and you've tried everything at school, from drawing people to sculpting, making pottery and even taking photos. But what if you want to blow glass, make cool prints or try silversmithing? School art programs are excellent but have nothing on ANU visual art degrees. Here, there’s a workshop for every type of media.

For right-side brainers, uni can leverage foundation high school subjects like maths and physics to reveal mind-blowing possibilities. You probably know this already, but maths is at the core of all technological innovations. If you’d like to master quantitative problem-solving, mathematical modelling and critical thinking, ANU is the place to head to – we’re the #1 university in Australia for mathematics.1

Unlike at school, studying physics at a university such as ANU can see you learning from career physicists. Our small classes give you individual attention and advice throughout your studies. Better still, the research opportunities you can get involved in explore cosmology, nuclear and plasma physics, quantum cryptography and electronic materials engineering.

1. Times Higher Education Rankings 2024

ANU student standing in front of paintings on easels, holding a palette in one hand and a paint brush in another.

Build upon the skills you developed in high school and soar to new heights at uni.

Student life: try new sports and activities

Did you miss out on playing a sport at school beyond mandatory PE? Well, university is the place to try that, too. Student life on campus is accessible, inclusive and social, so everyone is encouraged to get involved. If you live on the ANU campus, this is even more true. No prior experience is necessary! Join a social team and compete against other residents. You’ll make friends and have fun while keeping fit.

ANU students high-fiving and celebrating on an ANU campus oval, playing football.

Meet new people, try new things, and build a community at uni.

Career-ready skills

University makes you a career-ready graduate by providing research opportunities, problem-solving and communication skills, which can help you in the workforce. At ANU, you can develop unique graduate attributes – including insights into First Nations people's perspectives, transdisciplinary problem solving and critical thinking – allowing you to collaborate and make a difference in an increasingly interconnected world. When you’re finished studying, you’ll join our influential global network of alumni and Australia’s #1 most employable graduates.2

2. Times Higher Education Global Employability University Rankings 2024

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Still curious? Explore undergraduate study options at ANU and take the first step towards a fulfilling future.