The objective of the Award is to attract and support top quality international postgraduate students to the ANU College of Law.
Funding for this Award has been provided by the ANU College of Law.
per annum
Up to 5 awards
Payments made per semester
Payments made for 1 year
Student types
International, ProspectiveStudent levels
Master Degree, Postgraduate coursework, Graduate CertificateSelection bases
Academic meritOngoing eligibility
Continuation based on full-time study loadThe Award is available each semester to a prospective ANU student who:
The value of the Award is $20,000 per annum. The duration of the Award is for one year. The Award is paid in equal instalments after census date each semester unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer.
The recipient is responsible for making payment of all tuition fees by the prescribed date as set out by the University each session. Recipients of the Award are responsible for the costs of books, study materials, accommodation and all other costs of study including Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).
There is no application as students are automatically considered based on them meeting the eligibility criteria or conditions prescribed under the Eligibility section.
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Summer/Semester 1, 2024 admissions
Winter/ Semester 2, 2024 admissions
Spring, 2024 admissions
All applications that are received before the round deadline and meet the eligibility criteria or conditions prescribed in the Conditions of Award, will automatically be considered for this scholarship.
Letter of offers will be sent within 10 days after the round deadline. Only students who have been selected for this scholarship will receive a 'letter of offer'.
Application for admissions who have not been selected in the first offer round (e.g. December round) will be reassessed in the following offer round(s) for that admission period (e.g. January round).
Please note the ANU College of Law has a limited number of scholarships we can offer each year, therefore, the College may not make offers in each offer round.