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About this scholarship


This is a stipend scholarship offered by ANU Colleges to Higher Degree by Research candidates. It is normal for recipients to undertake study on a full-time basis, however, in accordance with strict criteria, the scholarship can be awarded for part-time study for Domestic candidates only. International scholars must undertake study on a full-time basis.



$ 38,154

per annum


Payments made fortnightly

Payments made for 3.5 years

  • Student types

    Domestic, International, Current, Prospective
  • Student levels

    Postgraduate research
  • Selection bases

    Academic merit
  • Ongoing eligibility

    Continuation based on academic performance
  • Extension duration

    3 months extension (6 months extension for Indigenous candidates or those with an industry engagement of >60 FTE days)

Field of study




These scholarships are available to potential and current students who:

  • are domestic or international students; and
  • have applied for admission to a PhD or Professional Doctorate by Research program; and
  • have a Bachelor degree with first-class honours (some Colleges may consider students with upper second-class honours), or a Master degree with a research component or equivalent from a recognised university.

Additional information

  • Scholarship for 3.5 years
  • Travel and removal allowances for students relocating to Canberra to commence their research program
  • Thesis allowance
  • Dependant Child allowance (International students only)
  • Paid medical and parental leave

No application is required specifically for this scholarship as all eligible candidates will be considered. Applications must be complete at the time of submission, including all supporting documentation and referee reports, in order to be considered in the scholarship ranking process.

Application Deadline

In order to be considered for an ANU PhD scholarship, in the main round of scholarship offers, applicants are required to apply for admission by the deadlines below. Once you have applied for the program, all eligible applicants will be automatically considered for the ANU PhD scholarship

Deadlines for scholarship rounds

Scholarship round Admission application closing date Commencement year
Round 1 (for International applicants only) Closing 31 August The following year (January through to March)
Round 1 (for Domestic applicants only) Closing 31 October The following year (January through to March)
Round 2 (The following year (January through to March) Closing 15 April By end of August of the same year as application deadline

Applicants are also strongly encouraged to make contact with the relevant Graduate Studies Convener or a prospective supervisor, prior to lodging an application, to discuss the proposed research topic and related matters.

Contact us:

icon_human Graduate Research Office
icon_human +61 2 6125 5777