A number of ANU Tuition Scholarships are funded and awarded by individual Colleges and determined as part of the application process. This scholarship covers international student tuition fees.
Full tuition
Payments made for 3 years
Student types
International, Current, ProspectiveStudent levels
Postgraduate researchSelection bases
Academic meritOngoing eligibility
Continuation based on academic performanceExtension duration
12 month extension available.Bachelors degree with first-class or upper second class honours, or a research Masters degree from a recognised university; International Students.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the relevant Graduate Studies Convener or a prospective supervisor, prior to lodging an application, to discuss the proposed research topic and related matters.
It is expected that the scholarship normally will be taken up by 31 March in the year for which it is awarded, although, subject to the approval of the prospective supervisor, Head of Department and Dean/Director, a later start date may be possible. The date by which a scholarship must be taken up in a particular instance will be made clear in the formal letter of offer for the scholarship.