The College of Health and Medicine through Transform (Research Talent Acceleration) is providing a significant budget to fund research time for promising EMCR support packages to enable Clinician Scientists to undertake PhD studies. This funding will support practicing clinicians, working in the healthcare disciplines of medicine and psychology, to undertake health and medical research projects. This scheme is being implemented in recognition of the importance of nurturing promising individuals with the potential to combine an academic and clinical career and in recognition of clinician researchers being well-placed to undertake research that has the potential to increase impact, engagement and improve healthcare outcomes through research translation.
per annum
6 on offer
Payments made fortnightly
Payments made for 3.5 years
Student types
Domestic, ProspectiveStudent levels
Postgraduate researchNumber of scholarships awarded
6 on offerSelection bases
Academic meritOngoing eligibility
Continuation based on full-time study loadExtension duration
6 month extension available.To be considered eligible, applicants must:
Prior to submitting an application, applicants need to notify their clinical employer line manager of their intention to apply;
Recipients are encouraged to maintain a clinical interface and provide a commitment to work as a clinician-scientist upon completion of the funding period. Greater than 0.2 FTE of paid and unpaid work outside of the position, including clinical commitments, will require written permission from the primary supervisor and the CHM Associate Dean Higher Degree Research.
Research must be undertaken in the year the Award is granted.
To apply, you must:
- complete the CHM Clinical Higher Degree Training Scholarships Scheme Application Form;
- provide all the information requested;
- address all the eligibility and assessment criteria;
- include all necessary attachments; and
- save your application form as a PDF, preferably as one document (inclusive of attachments), using the following naming convention: firstname.LASTNAME – CHM Clinical Higher Degree Training Scholarships; and
- submit to on or before the closing date.
For further information, please see the contacts for each school as outlined in the Guidelines for the Clinical Higher Degree Training Scholarships.