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About this scholarship


Each year the John Curtin School of Medical Research ("the JCSMR") in the ANU College of Health & Medicine may offer funding of up to $10,000 from the JCSMR Gender Equity Fund.

Funding has been provided by a generous initial donation by Professor Carola Vinuesa and continues with the support of Richard Miller and the School, as funding permits.

The objective of this Fund is to provide funding for an early or mid-career researcher or domestic or international PhD student who is experiencing significant career disruption resulting from the birth of a child, or the primary care of a child, which limits or prevents their career progression and research activities in the John Curtin School of Medical Research.



$ 10,000

per annum

1 on offer

Once-off payment for full value


31-Jul to 31-Aug

  • Student types

    Domestic, International, Current
  • Student levels

    Postgraduate research, Non-award
  • Number of scholarships awarded

    1 on offer
  • Selection bases

    Academic merit, Gender

Field of study

Research within the JCSMR as the holder of a Level A-C academic appointment or a PhD candidate within JCSMR



Funding will be available each year to:

  1. a female-identifying researcher at the JCSMR who holds a current academic appointment at level A-C and intends to return to a career in research; or
  2. a continuing domestic or international female-identifying student who is enrolled in a program of study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, based in the John Curtin School of Medical Research (the JCSMR) and, in relation to the birth or care of a child,
    1. is experiencing a period of significant career disruption (generally at least 12 weeks) or expects to do so within the next 6 months; or
    2. within the last 12 months, has applied for or returned from a period of career disruption (generally at least 12 weeks).

A candidate may apply to the fund on more than one occasion provided their current application is made under circumstances which are unrelated to circumstances previously outlined in their prior application/s.

Additional information


The value of the funding is up to AUD $10,000 as determined by the Selection Committee, and is paid as a one-off payment.

The funds may be expended at the discretion of the Awardee. The funds may not be used by the Awardee to cover direct research costs.

Application must include:

  1. a brief CV of no more than 2 pages;
  2. and a plan outlining the intended use of the funds;
  3. the intended period of leave; and
  4. the expected date of return to work.

Applications must also include a statement of support from the applicant's Group Lead, Head of Department, or the Director, JCSMR.

Selection will be made on the basis of:

  1. demonstrated intention to meet the Fund objectives as stated in the Overview;
  2. effective intended use of funds;
  3. academic merit, referee reports and other evidence; and
  4. discipline research interests.

Preference may be given to candidates judged by the selection committee to have the strongest scientific track record, with regard to opportunity, and will take into account demonstrated need and potential for career development.

The selection committee will be chaired by Director of the JCSMR or their nominee and will include the Chair of the JCSMR Equity Committee or their nominee, and one other member of the JCSMR Equity Committee. The Committee must include at least two female-identifying representatives. Selection requires the support of at least three Committee members.

The selection committee may award no funding if it considers there is no candidate of sufficient merit. Where funds permit, the selection committee may also:

  1. vary the number of candidates funded; and/or
  2. offer funding at other times.
Website link

Contact us:

icon_human Dr Bahar Miraghazadeh, JCSMR Equity Committee
icon_human + 61 2 5124 5631