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About this scholarship


In 2024, the Croal Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs may offer an award known as the PhD Scholarship on Feminist International Relations in Asia and the Pacific (“the award”).

The objective/s of the award is to provide funding for an outstanding domestic[1] or international[2] student to enable them to pursue a PhD Program in the area of feminist international relations in Asia and the Pacific to support the project of Dr Maria Tanyag titled The International Political Thought of Women’s Regional Networks. 

Funding for this award has been provided by an Australian Research Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA) and the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs.

[1] A student who is an Australian citizen, a New Zealand citizen, the holder of an Australian Permanent Resident visa or the holder of an Australian humanitarian visa

[2] A student who is not an Australian or New Zealand citizen or the holder of Australian permanent resident status, and is required to hold a visa to study in Australia and liable for international student fees (ISF) payable to the University either by the student or a sponsor



$ 36,652

per annum

Stipend plus tuition

1 on offer

Payments made fortnightly

Payments made for 4 years


01-Apr-2024 to 15-Apr-2024

  • Student types

    Domestic, International, Prospective
  • Student levels

    Postgraduate research
  • Number of scholarships awarded

    1 on offer
  • Selection bases

    Academic merit
  • Ongoing eligibility

    Continuation based on maintaining base stipend scholarships

Field of study

International Relations



The Award will be available in 2024 to a prospective, domestic or international student who:

  1. is enrolling full-time in a program of study for the degree of PhD in the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs, College of Asia and the Pacific; and
  2. has a specific interest in feminist international relations in Asia and the Pacific; and
  3. has completed an Australian university honours degree (at the level honours 2A or above), or equivalent prior studies in Australia or elsewhere (for example a Bachelor degree with First Class Honours or equivalent; and Master’s degree with a significant research thesis component and/or relevant experience that includes some research work in the field of public health and/or social sciences.

Additional information


Value: The value of the Award will be stated in the letter of offer. The Award will be paid in fortnightly instalments unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer.

The Award may contain any or all of the following benefits:

  1. Stipend Scholarship: A recipient will be awarded a stipend scholarship to the value of $36,652 per annum.
  2. Higher Degree Research (HDR) Fee Remission Merit Scholarship:   An International recipient may be recommended for an HDR Fee Remission Merit Scholarship to cover the International Student Fees for the standard duration of the Higher Degree Research (HDR) program subject to the recipient being ranked as competitive in a merit-based selection process; 
  3. Relocation Reimbursement: A recipient may be eligible to claim a reimbursement as a one-off payment to assist with relocation costs, including those in respect of the recipient’s spouse, de facto partner, and dependent child or children, incurred in commencing their HDR program. Where a claim for a relocation reimbursement is in respect of a recipient’s spouse, de facto partner, or dependent child or children, they must accompany the recipient to take up his/her program, or join the recipient within 12 months of the recipient commencing their HDR program.

    Recipients who are resident outside the Australian Capital Territory, or who are permanently resident outside Australia at the time of application, may be eligible to receive a one-off relocation reimbursement capped at a maximum of $1,000 for Domestic students, or $2,500 for International students, towards the costs of moving to take up their HDR program, on production of original tax invoice/receipts.

    Insurance, accommodation and meal costs related to relocation cannot be claimed.
    Applications for relocation reimbursement must be submitted within 12 months of the recipient commencing their HDR program.  No relocation reimbursement is payable after this time or after the Award ceases; 

Dr Maria Tanyag

Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs 

02 6125 0163 

Contact us:

icon_human Dr Maria Tanyag, Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs
icon_human 02 6125 0163