Each year the Research School of Accounting (‘the RSA’) within the ANU College of Business and Economics may offer a number of awards known as the Research School of Accounting South East Asia Merit Scholarship (‘the Award’).
The objective of the Award is to support diversity and to strengthen educational outcomes for students both in terms of skills development and preparation for further study or employment.
Funding for this Award has been provided by the RSA.
50% of international student fee.
Only applications for Semester 2, 2024 intake will be considered.
Payments made per semester
Payments made for program duration
Student types
International, ProspectiveStudent levels
Undergraduate, Postgraduate coursework, Flexible double degree, Graduate Certificate, Master DegreeSelection bases
Academic meritOngoing eligibility
Continuation based on academic performanceThe Award is available each year to a commencing ANU student who:
The value of the Award is stated in your letter of offer. The duration of the Award is for the full-time duration of the program in which the student is enrolled with the fee waiver applied towards tuition fees at the beginning of each semester unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer.
To be considered for the Award in Semester 2 2024, you will need to receive an offer by 20 May 2024.
Students who apply to study at the College of Business and Economics will automatically be considered for the College's scholarship program. Students are not required to undertake an additional application process for scholarships.
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Only applicants who meet all the eligibility criteria will be considered. Selection is made on the basis of academic merit.