Each year the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics ("RSAA") in the ANU College of Science may offer an award known as the RSAA Science PhB Advanced Studies Course Award ("the award").
The objective of the award is to interest Science PhB students in astronomy and astrophysics student research projects offered by the Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics.
per annum
One-off payment of $3,000
3 on offer
Once-off payment for full value
Student types
Domestic, International, CurrentStudent levels
Undergraduate, Flexible double degreeNumber of scholarships awarded
3 on offerSelection bases
Academic meritThe award is available each year to a current ANU student who:
(a) is a domestic or international student;
(b) is enrolled in an Advanced Studies Course (SCNC2101, SCNC2102, SCNC2103, SCNC2104, SCNC3101, SCNC3102) as part of their Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) - Science degree program in the semester for which they have applied for the award; and
(c) intending to undertake a research project within the Advanced Studies Course:
Each award is worth AUS$3,000.
The award will be paid as a one-off payment after the census date for the Advanced Studies (SCNC) course within which the research project is undertaken.
Applications are accepted for Semester 1 and Semester 2.
Application deadline is the Monday of the third week of semester for the respective semester.
Application process:
Applicants send an email to rsaa.sa@anu.edu.au (Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics (RSAA)) containing:
- declaration that they wish to be considered for the Award (use application form provided);
- astronomy/astrophysics/instrumentation project proposal;
- a short CV including contact details for the RSAA/AITC research project supervisor;
- copy of their current ANU transcript or Statement of Results from ISIS;
- Names and contact details for two academic referees.
Students contact their referees with the referee form template (available on the ANU Scholarship website under the RSAA PhB award entry). The referees send completed form directly to rsaa.sa@anu.edu.au. The RSAA research project supervisor can be a referee.
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
The scholarship may not be deferred.