Each year the Mathematical Sciences Institute (‘the School’), in the ANU College of Science (‘the College’), may offer an award known as the Tim and Margaret Bourke Grant (‘the Award’).
Funding for this Award has been provided by Tim and Margaret Bourke.
per annum
$15,000 over 3 years
1 on offer
Payments made per semester
Payments made for 3 years
Student types
Domestic, International, CurrentStudent levels
Postgraduate researchNumber of scholarships awarded
1 on offerSelection bases
Academic meritOngoing eligibility
Continuation based on full-time study loadThe award will be available each year to a continuing ANU student who:
The value of the Award is stated in the letter of offer. The award will be paid in equal instalments at the beginning of each semester unless otherwise stated in the letter of offer.
The recipient is responsible for making payment of all tuition fees by the prescribed date as set out by the University each session. Recipients of the Award are responsible for the costs of books, study materials, accommodation and all other costs of study.
Please complete the Scholarship application | ANU Mathematical Sciences Institute to apply for this scholarship.
Use contact details to request an alternative file format.
A recipient is required to remain enrolled in an eligible program of study for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, in the Mathematical Sciences Institute at the Australian National University.