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The scholarship is currently unavailable.

About this scholarship


The use of eDNA technologies to support conservation and restoration

Interested in a PhD using environmental DNA (eDNA) and genetic tools to inform conservation and management? We are seeking PhD applications to join an exciting inter-disciplinary collaboration exploring the impacts, complex relationships and potential consequences of management actions for multiple species in the increasingly urbanised environment in the Australian Capital Territory.

The potential impacts of urbanisation, introduced predators, domestic and even native grazers can have detrimental consequences for a range of native species, such as the elusive and threatened pink-tailed worm lizard. However, management actions can alleviate these negative impacts and, in the case of grazing, may benefit the ecosystem, through control of weeds and maintenance of disturbance/succession regimes. Determining effective management options requires an understanding of the complex trophic relationships between organisms and an ability to detect and track often elusive threatened species. Traditionally, this has not been easy to address, but advances in eDNA approaches provides a means for assessing diet and tracking individuals through analysis of the DNA from scats and other sources of eDNA. Opening up new lines of evidence which can inform management decisions.

The project will use leading eDNA technologies to explore the detection of, and trophic interactions among species in the Ginninderry landscape in the ACT, focussing on three key components in this system - red fox, large native and domestic grazers and the threatened pink-tailed worm lizard. The unique information obtained from this work will not only expand our understanding these species and potential interactions between them but, importantly, will directly inform management and conservation efforts in this landscape.



$ 8,000

per annum

$8,000 per annum

1 on offer

Payments made fortnightly

Payments made for 3 years


23-Jun-2021 to 15-Oct-2021

  • Student types

    Domestic, Current, Prospective
  • Student levels

    Postgraduate research
  • Number of scholarships awarded

    1 on offer
  • Selection bases

    Academic merit
  • Ongoing eligibility

    Continuation based on maintaining base stipend scholarships

Field of study

Conservation genetics/genomics, conservation biology, habitat/landscape management, ecology.



This top-up scholarship is available to potential or current students who:

  • Are a domestic student;
  • Have a Bachelor degree with First class Honours (or equivalent academic qualifications);
  • Have successfully obtained an offer of admission to a PhD program in the area of conservation biology, evolutionary biology or genetics/genomics in the College of Science;
  • The successful candidate must apply for, be awarded, and continue to hold, an approved ANU HDR Base Stipend Scholarship, at the minimum RTP base rate.

Additional information


Upon confirmation of the approved ANU HDR Base Stipend scholarship award, an $8,000 per annum top-up scholarship (for 3 years) will be awarded.

This financial support is currently not available.

Contact us:

icon_human Dr. Linda Neaves
icon_human +61 2 6125 5018