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About this scholarship


UPDATE: We are now accepting applications for the VC's HDR Travel Grant.

Each year the Australian National University may offer a number of awards known as the Vice-Chancellor's Travel Grants - Higher Degree Research.

The objectives of the grants are to:

  • enrich the quality of research undertaken by HDR students by enabling them to study for a period at an overseas institution;
  • enable HDR students to develop relationships within the international research community by presenting at conferences; and
  • enable HDR students to access international research facilities and equipment to conduct research activities.

Please note it can take up to eight weeks to process and make payments to successful applicants. Although every effort will be made to do it sooner than this, you should factor this timeframe into your travel plans and apply prior to the intended travel.



Up to $5,000.00.

  • Student types

    Domestic, International, Current
  • Student levels

    Postgraduate research
  • Selection bases

    Academic merit



The award will be available each year to all continuing students who:

  • are enrolled in a Higher Degree by Research program at the Australian National University;
  • have completed at least one year full-time, or equivalent, of their candidature, and is making good progress as demonstrated by completion of all current milestones;
  • are travelling overseas to work as a visiting scholar at an overseas institution, or access collections or use facilities required for their research, and the period of time spent at the overseas institution will count as part of the period of candidature for the program in which the applicant is enrolled at ANU; or
  • are attending, and presenting a paper/seminar/poster at a conference overseas (i.e. a country other than Australia);
  • commence and conclude funded travel in Australia;
  • have not previously been the recipient of a Vice Chancellor's HDR Travel Grant;
  • are not on extension of their program

Applications will be assessed on the extent to which the proposed visit will enrich the applicant's higher degree research project.

Additional information


Maximum funding is determined by travel location and duration of visit. The destination country cost groups have been adapted from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO).  Please refer to the document "Cost Group for different travel countries" in conjunction with the table below.

Maximum funding amounts

Cost Group







Duration Group




1-30 days$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00


31-60 days$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$2,000.00


61-90 days$1,500.00$1,500.00$1,500.00$2,000.00$2,500.00$3,000.00


91-120 days$1,500.00$2,000.00$2,500.00$3,000.00$3,500.00$4,000.00


> 120 days$2,500.00$3,000.00$3,500.00$4,000.00$4,500.00$5,000.00

Applications are open year-round. To apply to the Vice-Chancellor's HDR Travel Grant, use the ‘Apply Now’ button at the top of this page. Complete the online Qualtrics form and upload supporting documentation to your application (note: combined PDF documents are preferred).

Before you begin

Please read the Conditions of Award carefully. You will be asked to confirm that you have read these conditions when you submit your application. If you have any questions, refer to the FAQs document. If you have any further questions, contact the Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research) at

You will need to prepare the following supporting documents:

  • For a cross-institutional visit: an invitation letter or email and details of supervisory arrangement;
  • For a conference: confirmation of acceptance of paper or poster AND confirmation of registration for the conference;
  • A statement summarising the benefit of the international activities to your research (200-400 words);
  • An outline of activities you and your Chair of Panel propose you will complete on your return. This can include (but is not limited to) reports, reviews, presentations, publications to be developed as a result of the travel;
  • A proposed itinerary of your travel activities and the cost breakdown of the travel;
  • A letter from your Chair of Panel approving your travel, using the template available in the documents section

Contact us:

icon_human Office of the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Graduate Research)