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Moving out of home for the first time

Uni ready
Reading time: 4 minutes

So, you’re coming up to the end of Year 12 and keen to start uni. Does that mean you’re also thinking about moving out of home?


  • Moving out of home is one of the most exciting stages of your life.
  • There are unique challenges you won't have faced before, so it pays to be prepared.
  • Once you've settled in, you'll find a new, exciting way of living.

Your first time leaving the nest is exciting but can also be intimidating. To help make the process as smooth as possible, we’ve compiled this list of things you should know before you take the leap.

Female students carry their belongings as they walk between Wright and Bruce Hall, at the Australian National University.

Female students carry their belongings as they walk between Wright and Bruce Hall, at the Australian National University.

1. Supporting yourself can be expensive

It’s likely that your biggest shock will be how quickly everything stacks up – financially speaking. Rent, electricity, internet, groceries, furniture. It’s a big leap from just paying for petrol, a night out with friends and the occasional takeaway meal.

It’s a good idea to make sure you’ve built up some savings before you move out. The more you save, the more breathing room you will have in your budget and the time that can give you will help you figure out what you can and can’t afford.

Great news! Canberra has plenty of jobs for students that will help you pay your way.

2. Pre-loved is your best friend

Green Shed co-founder Sandie Parkes at the Garema Place shop.

Green Shed co-founder Sandie Parkes at the Garema Place shop.

A great way to reduce the cost of moving out is to embrace the old and pre-loved. Canberra is covered in op shops, and they’re great places to find furniture at a bargain.

You can also find hidden treasures on sites like Gumtree or Facebook Marketplace. And don’t forget to check with relatives – they might be glad to get rid of old furniture without a trip to the tip.

3. Freedom comes with responsibility

It might take a moment for it to really set in, but you’ll soon realise that you’ve got much more freedom than you used to. If you live alone, you make the first and final decision on basically everything.

Having that much freedom is an amazing feeling. You can go where you want when you want. But keep in mind, you’ll also be responsible for your actions now, if you weren’t before.

So, enjoy your freedoms, don't forget your responsibilities, and let someone know where you are.

4. Living with other people is great if you're prepared

Housemates might be the best thing that ever happened to you – it’s more hands to keep the house clean, and splitting rent and utilities leaves you with more money at the end of the month. And if you’re moving to Canberra for uni, your housemates will be your first opportunity to make new friends – those friendships can be lifelong.

As amazing as it can be, you should sit down and talk about expectations going in. If everyone’s on the same page about how to run the house, everything will run that much smoother.

5. Homesickness is real

Like Joni Mitchell says, you don’t know what you’ve got 'til it’s gone. There’s always something you’ll miss when you move away from home – whether it’s your family, friends who moved elsewhere, or the park where you’d go for walks with the family dog.

The good news is, you’re going to find yourself swept up in brand new friendships and, as time goes by, uni will start feeling like a second home. Plus, there are regular uni breaks during the year for you to head back and visit family and friends.

6. It's fun, so don't worry too much

Don’t get the wrong idea from this list – more than anything else, moving out of home is fun. It’s exciting and your time to grow. It’s your opportunity to make your way in the world.

Even the things that you get wrong are learning experiences for next time. So, while you shouldn’t neglect the important planning, don’t stress too much. At the end of the day, uni is a space where you can make mistakes.

Three roommates walk to class from their share house.

Three roommates walk to class from their share house.

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Student accommodation can be the perfect transition stage when you're moving out of home for the first time. Check out the student accommodation available at ANU.