Elite Athlete Friendly University (EAFU) Entry Scheme

pure decorativeANU is a member of the national network of Elite Athlete Friendly Universities. We aim to identify elite athletes and assist them in the development of skills to help them successfully balance their sporting and academic aspirations. As part of our commitment to supporting our elite athletes, ANU also offers adjustment factors for elite athlete applicants to our undergraduate degree programs, in acknowledgement of the commitments they have made which may have impacted their Year 11 and 12 schooling.

Applicants to the University can apply for Elite Athlete Status with ANU Accessibility, who will assist them with establishing an Elite Athlete Education Access Plan (EAEP) to support them in meeting the requirements of their degree.

Find out more about the benefits and assistance provided to ANU students who are identified as elite athletes by visiting the ANU Access & Inclusion Elite Athlete Status website.

You can find the overall eligibility requirements for adjustment factors here. Adjustment factors through the Elite Athlete Friendly University Entry Scheme, the Subject Adjustment Scheme, and the Performer Scheme have a shared cap of 5 adjustments within the overall maximum of 15. Excluded programs do not accept adjustment factors from these three schemes.

How to Apply - Early Offer Applications

You will have the opportunity to apply for ANU Elite Athlete Adjustment Factors during your Early Offer application. Follow the prompts within your Early Offer application to apply.

How to Apply - UAC Applications

You must complete the ANU Elite Athlete Adjustment Factors Application form and include supporting documents that substantiate your claims and provide evidence of your capacity to succeed. This needs to include the following:

  • A completed Elite Athlete Adjustment Factor Application form.
  • A statement outlining your sporting commitments during Year 11 and 12 and how they impacted your final Year 12 results. Your statement must include your full name and application number.
  • A statement from your coach or national sporting institute that you are considered to be an elite athlete and recognised to be a member under one of the Elite Athlete adjustment factor schedule categories.
  • A letter from your school office in support of your application that corroborates the impact on your schooling is recommended.

Submit your application to the ANU Accessibility office as soon as possible after submitting your application for admission to the University.

If successful, you will be provided up to 5 adjustment factors to your selection rank for eligible ANU preferences.

Elite Athlete Adjustments Assessment Schedule

Elite Athlete adjustments may only be awarded to applicants who are registered with a National Sporting Organisation and/or National Sporting Organisation for People with Disabilities as recognised by the Australian Sports Commission. A full list of National Sporting Organisations and their funding type may be found on the Australian Sports Directory website. In addition, applicants must demonstrate that they have competed in their sport at the state, national, or international level.

CategoryApplication Process
ASC National Sporting Organisation (funded) Funded sports that are recognised by the ASC are likely to receive approval for Elite Athlete adjustment factors. No additional documents are required for assessment of this category.
Other National Sporting Organisation (unfunded) Unfunded sports that are recognised by the ASC may receive approval for Elite Athlete adjustment factors. No additional documents are required for assessment of this category.
Other sports or sporting groups Sports not listed as either a National Sporting Organisation and/or National Sporting Organisation for People with Disabilities as recognised by the Australian Sports Commission are less likely to be eligible for Elite Athlete adjustment factors. ANU will assess applicants on a case-by-case basis. In addition to the above documents, applications should include a statement outlining the sport itself, the national and international growth of the sport, and how participating in this sport might support your career and/or life goals.

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