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What you can do with a Bachelor of Science from ANU

Why choose ANU
Reading time: 4 minutes

The ANU Bachelor of Science is one of our most versatile degrees. It opens many doors and opportunities for practical studies – field trips, internships, and even overseas study opportunities.

If you’re interested in an amazing scientific career, read on to learn more about what you can do with a Bachelor of Science.


  • Completing a Bachelor of Science provides pathways towards researching and teaching.
  • But there are plenty of practical jobs as well that could see you working in diverse environments.
  • The ANU Bachelor of Science is very versatile and makes a great choice if you’re unsure of what you want to do.

Conserve the environment

It’s easy to imagine lab coats and microscopes when you think of science, but it’s often quite the opposite!

Australia has 350,000 km2 of national parks, covering a land area bigger than Germany. You could be one of the many park rangers and conservationists maintaining these lands and marine parks, with a job that takes you out in nature every day. If you’re interested in this, studying environment and earth sciences at ANU will put you on the right path.

A group of grey kangaroos amongst dense foliage

A Bachelor of Science can take you out into the field amongst nature.

Study the living

The biology program at ANU is your pathway to a wide range of careers – from a microbiologist studying the smallest cells to a zoologist who works with some of the earth’s largest animals.

That doesn’t just mean spending all day in a lab researching (though you can if that is what you are after!). For example, the expertise of zoologists is often sought after by organisations preparing environmental impact statements for new projects.

Or you might work for a zoo, studying the animals and checking their wellbeing.

An ANU science student gathers samples from test material with a dropper

If lab work is more your speed, there are options there too.

Inform the public

The media always needs experts to distil complex topics into understandable information. If you’ve got a knack for communication and a passion for science, combining them could see you in a job as a science reporter – or as the next Dr Karl.

It’s an important job, helping people understand these big concepts, especially as our world becomes more interconnected.

Or imagine yourself as a meteorologist, explaining the forecast to millions of viewers.

Students sit in a lecture hall and take notes

The Bachelor of Science can lead to a career in teaching or media.

Shoot for the stars

Maybe you’re most comfortable gazing up at the night sky behind a telescope. If so, you’ll love studying the Astronomy and Astrophysics major at ANU as part of your Bachelor of Science. And, chances are you’ll fall in love with the Mount Stromlo Observatory and its world-class facilities.

After graduation, it’s an exciting career track. You could find yourself working for a university, observatory or even NASA!

You’ll graduate with a powerful mix of mathematical, scientific and engineering skills – an unusual combination that employers absolutely love.

Mt Stromlo Observatory under a starry night sky

If you love looking up at the stars, an ANU Bachelor of Science could be right for you.

Endless possibilities

A Bachelor of Science from ANU will take you lots of places – not just after your degree, but during!

As Australia’s only national university, our connections with government, NGOs, and the private sector mean ANU students can access some of the country’s best internship opportunities. You could find yourself interning for some of this country's largest organisations, getting experience you can't get anywhere else.

That experience sets you up for a fulfilling career after graduation – you might even find a role that hasn't been invented yet. We've only scratched the surface of what you can do with a Bachelor of Science.

A large class of students conduct experiments in a practice lab

As such a versatile degree, the Bachelor of Science could take you many places.

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Discover everything you can do with a Bachelor of Science at the ANU College of Science.