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Double the degrees means double the opportunities

Future leaders
Reading time: 4 minutes

Are you someone that likes getting things done? Then you’ve got a lot in common with Ashy Kinsella who has thrown herself into countless opportunities since she started at ANU. Internships, global debating competitions, and getting published in the Parliamentary Library – she’s done it all.


  • Ashy started studying a Flexible Double Degree at ANU in 2019.
  • Since then, she’s taken part in a huge amount of extracurricular activities, including international competitions and internships.
  • The Australian National Internships Program has let Ashy spend an unforgettable time at Parliament House and led to having a publication on the Parliamentary Library's shelves.

Ashy loves uni life – which is pretty obvious given she’s been at ANU for almost five years since starting her double degree in 2019. In high school, she says she was a 'classic over-committer’. She studied a wide variety of subjects, including physics, specialist maths, drama and she topped the state in media studies.

She was also involved in extracurricular activities like musical theatre, representative netball, fencing at a national level and her school’s politics club. Ashy even won a few public speaking competitions. Clearly a busy young woman! And that certainly hasn’t changed now that she’s at uni.

Ashy hangs out with the iconic painted cows in Shepparton,
            Victoria, with a group of ANU students in.

Ashy, seated in front row, hangs out with the iconic painted cows in Shepparton, Victoria, with a group of ANU students.

She says she was always keen to study at ANU and not just because she's a Canberran.

"I was really excited about the flexible double degree programs the University offered, so I joined the ANU Extension program while I was still at school."

"I was really excited about the flexible double degree programs the University offered, so I joined the ANU Extension program while I was still at school, which led to me gaining credits and early entry," Ashy says.

"During the application process, I sat a physics and chemistry exam and then decided to sit an exam on biodiversity. Random! But it totally changed the course of my career path and my future!”

Ashy is now studying a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science double degree with four majors — political science and international relations in her arts degree and sustainability studies and science communication in her science degree. Now, after years of thinking about her future career, she's decided science communication is what she is really passionate about.

Ashy completes the Relay for Life charity event with fellow ANU students.

Ashy (centre back row, in purple hat) completes the Relay for Life charity event with fellow ANU students.

She says she loves that the Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science (CPAS) at ANU offers a world-class education in science communication.

"It is such a cool new area and helps scientists to communicate about and advocate for their work. I would love to focus on the environmental sector in the future, particularly in the domestic and international policy domains.”

Ashy is also super-busy outside of her studies. She has been a pastoral carer, vice president of an arts committee, a member of the Australian Youth Climate Coalition and a member of the Frisbee Nationals team.

She has also been President of Griffin Hall, the first non-residential hall in Australia that enables students to connect and get support without actually living on campus. She and her colleagues also recently faced off against top debating teams in the US as part of the Ethics Olympiad. They won, making them world champions!

Ashy Kinsella has done several internships while at ANU, one via the Australian National Internship Program (ANIP). This prestigious program is open to undergraduate and postgraduate students from all academic disciplines, and it is the only university program to offer Commonwealth parliamentary internships. Ashy’s experience included being interned in the Senate at Parliament House. Impressive, right?

Ashy serves lunch to fellow students at Griffin Hall at the ANU.

Ashy serves lunch to fellow students at Griffin Hall at the ANU.

"During the ANIP program I was closely involved in meetings with organisations like BirdLife Australia as well as Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and her staff."

“During the ANIP program I was closely involved in meetings with organisations like BirdLife Australia as well as Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young and her staff. One of my favourite parts of my time with ANIP though was having the freedom to walk through the media corridor at Parliament House where all the news organisations have their offices. I found it exhilarating to be a part of it all and always took the long way back after getting a coffee!”

The research report Ashy produced at the end of the program was about the Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act, and a copy of it is now published in the Parliamentary Library. Well done, Ashy! We’re proud of you.

“Another internship I did was with the Australian Academy of Science. It was meant to be a one-semester program but it turned into a full year! As part of it, I designed, managed and marketed a competition called ScienceXart, a primary school art competition exploring the fun and creative side of science and mathematics. I also wrote teaching plans that became part of many schools’ curriculums.”

Ashy, what an awesome addition to your resume. The things you've done while at ANU offer other students great insight into how our programs, resources and support services can transform your life. Bring it!

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Inspired by Ashy Kinsella's internships and other accomplishments? Check out the Australian National Internships Program and see if it’s for you – and the ANU Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science double degree.