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What can you do with a Bachelor of Computing from ANU?

Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics
Why choose ANU
Reading time: 5 minutes

Do you have a passion for technology or natural skill with IT? Then, consider a Bachelor of Computing from the ANU College of Engineering, Computing & Cybernetics.

The Bachelor of Computing is a pathway to a career in programming, networking and more. What can you do with a Bachelor of Computing? Read on and find out.


  • With a major in software development, you could find yourself working as a programmer or designer.
  • The similar but distinct roles of network administrator and systems analyst are great picks for a big-picture mind.
  • Because we're increasingly reliant on technology these days, you’ll find IT-related roles of all kinds in most organisations. There's a lot you can do with a Bachelor of Computing.

Build new programs and code solutions

The ANU Bachelor of Computing offers a software development major, perfect for aspiring programmers and developers.

Once you have completed the degree, there are a surprising number of opportunities to apply your skills and knowledge to. In an increasingly tech-dependent world, even tiny organisations have in-house programmers to develop and maintain their systems or hire contractors to do this work. An in-house role is even more common in larger organisations, which often have proprietary software that is vital for their operations.

Of course, some companies purely focus on software development. The Australian Computer Society accredits the ANU Bachelor of Computing and you are eligible for ACS membership after completing the degree. ACS Certified Professionals consistently earn more than their non-ACS counterparts do, and this certification will make you an attractive pick for a software development company.

If you're particularly entrepreneurial and can identify a gap in the market, you could develop software independently and sell it to consumers and businesses. Having a job where you set your hours and direct yourself is perfect for those who value flexibility.

Hands typing on a laptop keyboard.

The Bachelor of Computing is a great entry point to programming.

Keep everything running

Once an organisation sets up their computer systems, they need somebody to keep it all working. That person or team also needs to be proactive and constantly looking for ways to improve and upgrade that system.

This is the role of a systems analyst, a job that is only becoming more important with the integration of technology at every level of doing business. If you're interested, a Bachelor of Computing with an information systems major is a great place to start.

You'll learn in-depth how business information systems work, how to maintain and upgrade them, and even how to manage a team and complete a project. Put together, you'll build a skillset employers will love.

Keep us all connected

While a systems analyst focuses on software, a network administrator's related but distinct role deals with an organisation's internal network. These professionals keep the network running and perform regular upgrades; they are also in charge of keeping systems secure and stopping hackers.

Many smaller organisations will combine systems analyst and network administrator roles – but large organisations, having many moving parts and bigger IT systems and networks, will typically keep the functions separate.

If you have a knack for networks, this could be your role. With the increase in working from home post-pandemic, organisations need capable network administrators now more than ever before.

A woman working on a laptop, seated on a couch.

You might consider work as a systems analyst or network administrator.

Shape the net

Today, it is rare to find a business without a website. What was once a nice-to-have is now mandatory. That means there are plenty of opportunities for web developers and designers.

The job is self-explanatory: web developers handle the coding, making everything work. Web designers manage the things a user sees, like the layout and which links go where. Sometimes, these roles roll into one, but the bigger the project, the more likely you are to be part of a team (or leading one once you have some experience under your belt).

Whether your skills lie more in development or design, you'll need coding and tech skills to get anywhere after you graduate. That is where the Bachelor of Computing steps in.

A laptop screen, viewed from behind.

Web development could see you leading a team to build an organisation's new website.

Protect people or nations

As we all become more reliant on technology and the internet, new opportunities exist for people looking to exploit them. Cybercrime is on the rise, which means there are new career opportunities for people keen to make a career out of stopping it.

As part of your Bachelor of Computing, you can take a cyber security major. Not only do you learn technical information about securing networks and software, you'll also get to understand the legal theory behind cybercrime. This big-picture approach will make you the obvious choice for a cyber security role with the government or a large business after finishing your degree.

Three people talking around a dark table.

The rapid emergence of cybercrime means new opportunities in cyber security are opening every day.

And even more

So what can you do with a Bachelor of Computing? Quite a lot! Along with that which we have covered above —programming, networking, cyber security—there are plenty of jobs where exceptional IT skills come in handy and entice employers. The world is increasingly reliant on these skills, and having them will ensure you’re ready to meet some crucial technological demands when they arise.