When you apply directly to ANU for admission as a domestic undergraduate student, please make sure you choose the Option “Yes” in Section 6 of your ANU Direct Entry application. You will automatically be considered for scholarships listed below. There are different types of scholarships that are available as part of your direct application.

More information on different types of scholarships offered at ANU can be found here.

Value: $8,000 per annum 
Number offered: 25
Scholarship Type: Academic
Field of Study: Any
Value: $8,000 per annum 
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $9,000 per annum 

For up to 4 years (maximum award: $36,000)

Number offered: 2
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Business & Economics
Value: $5,000 per annum 
Number offered: 1
Scholarship Type: Academic
Field of Study: ANU College of Business & Economics
Value: $9,000 per annum 

For up to 4 years (maximum award:36,000)

Number offered: 2
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Business & Economics
Value: $10,000 per annum 
Number offered: 5
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Business & Economics
Value: $5,000 per annum 
Number offered: 12
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
Value: $5,000 per annum 
Number offered: 1
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $10,000 per annum 
Number offered: 1
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Health & Medicine, ANU College of Science
Value: $8,000 per annum 
Number offered: 1
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $9,000 per annum 
Number offered: 1
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences, ANU College of Asia & the Pacific, ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics, ANU College of Health & Medicine, ANU College of Law, ANU College of Science
Value:  $8,000 to $28,000 per annum
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $15,000 per annum the funds can be used for any number of study support purposes, for example; accommodation, textbooks, transport, childcare, course fees or other costs associated with undertaking their course or program of study
Number offered: 1
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Asia & the Pacific
Value:  $24,000 over 3-4 years.
Number offered: 7
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $7,500 per annum 
Number offered: 5
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $5,000 per annum Payments made per semester
Number offered: 5
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $8,000 per annum 3 Scholarships of $8,000 per annum for 1 year
Number offered: 3
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
Value:  Up to $30,000
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any
Value: $20,000 per annum 
Number offered: 1
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: ANU College of Engineering, Computing and Cybernetics
Value:  Up to $50,000 over up to 5 years
Number offered: 2
Scholarship Type: Access
Field of Study: Any